Listen, Learn, and Discuss
An on-demand webinar for dog trainers, shelter & rescue professionals, veterinarians and technicians, pet industry professionals and all who care for and love dogs. Learn about the latest research examining dogs' physical, mental and emotional needs and the challenges that they face in our living environments. A new framework designed to provide them with the best possible life (and its supporting research) is presented. As with all Science Dog Courses, enjoy the opportunity to chat with the presenter and ask questions.
About This Webinar
As humans, we ask a lot of our dogs. We require that they fit into our homes and adjust to an environment that is typically designed to meet human needs first. Consequently, dogs face numerous challenges in order to adapt and thrive in our world. As their caretakers, we must learn to recognize and understand the social, physical and emotional needs of dogs, and avoid inclinations to project our own (human) motivations onto them. There is no doubt that we enjoy sharing our lives and our homes with dogs and that most caretakers wish to provide their dogs with the best quality of life possible. For this purpose, the Framework of Dogs’ Needs has been developed and assessed. It provides a practical blueprint of living well with dogs and providing for their needs. Learn about this useful model, the research evidence that supports it, and how both pet professionals and dog parents can use it to help their dogs to thrive!

Webinar Topics
Tips and Guidelines
Using the Video Player
Webinar: Meeting Dogs' Needs
Webinar: Meeting Dogs' Needs
Q/A and Discussion
Additional Webinar Materials (Paper & Tables)

Karen Griffin